5 Brilliant Brand Tactics for Nonprofits

5 Brilliant Brand Tactics for Nonprofits

5Although this term is usually used when discussing profit businesses, branding is equally as essential for nonprofits. Your brand is what comes to people’s mind when your organization is brought up. This affects your fund sourcing endeavours, your engagement and your...
How Marketing Pushes the Benefactor Experience

How Marketing Pushes the Benefactor Experience

Marketing has every single thing to do with the benefactor experience. If you’re not a natural marketer – who really is? – self-publicizing might come across as bragging. It is not.  Showcasing your nonprofit’s mission and vision; the stories of the community you...
How Much Do You Pay Your Executive Director?

How Much Do You Pay Your Executive Director?

It’s ironic that despite the fact that the majority of executive directors working in nonprofit organizations are paid up to 40% less than their counterparts in for-profit businesses, the media has their focus on the few high salaries paid in nonprofits. In some...