Marketing has every single thing to do with the benefactor experience.

If you’re not a natural marketer – who really is? – self-publicizing might come across as bragging. It is not. 

Showcasing your nonprofit’s mission and vision; the stories of the community you assist and the need you take care of are all subjects your contributors want to know about. Designing a welcoming, pleasant benefactor experience maintains benefactor engagement and improves donor preservation.

Publicizing a positive image of your nonprofit is key to pulling in new supporters and maintaining present ones. It spreads awareness of your good work, fosters confidence with your community, raises people’s interest in your organization and offers supporters the conviction that retains their interest.

Your image is shaped by your organization’s activities and relations with its partners and contributors. It’s strengthened and maintained via marketing.

For supporters and potentials, marketing tells them what you do, who you are and how they can contribute. The most efficient marketing campaigns are a fusion of images, messages and an action call. Whether you’re promoting an event, community projects or reprompting supporters of how they can contribute, marketing pushes your nonprofit to new crowds and strengthens your standing with current contacts. It’s about the narrative you push forward and how it’s told.

Growing and consolidating relationships with potential and existing supporters between action calls builds a welcoming all-encompassing benefactor experience. Marketing encourages project members, volunteers and others to give.

Top Marketing Avenues for Benefactor Experience

The best marketing methods for creating a better donor experience are your website, social media, and email blasts. How you engage your customers digitally will directly impact how they feel about you in person. It’s an ongoing way for them to get to know you better and vice versa. Each option calls for a different voice, but you can easily adapt the same material for different mediums and create an integrated marketing campaign.


Your benefactors are on the internet and you have to be there as well. Utilize your website to curate an online benefactor experience that showcases how you want them to view your organization. A pleasant online experience comprises user friendly navigation, impressive images, current content and an easily located donation button. Online donation has solidly flourished year after year with 54% of benefactors worldwide stating that they would rather donate online. Employ the influence of engine optimization (SEO) to boost your ranking in search engine results, which will let your website pull in functioning benefactors and raise your mission’s awareness.

Social Media

These days, loads and loads of people get their information from social media. After your website, it’s the primary place people search for updates. It can even overtake your website in terms of instant engagement. Offer a fresh lively experience with current updates. Post a couple times weekly (or even daily) to maintain engagement. Post events, testimonials programs and images. Remember to post your donation page and appeal to followers to contribute with their own fundraiser.

Email Blasts

Utilizing email blasts are a swift appealing method of communicating with your contacts. Don’t be bothered about being a graphic designer. All-in-one donor management systems like Network for Good come with designed templates for whether you need to send newsletters, thank you letters, event invitations, and appeals in a few simple steps.

Once you nail these fundamentals, you can repeat and grow on your achievements. Try out various messaging on various mediums and cultivate a voice that’s uniquely yours.